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Should You Outsource Your Content To Platforms like Scripted?


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There are a variety of platforms that offer outsourced content writing such as Scripted. Is it better to write your own content? or outsource it? Lets find out!

What Is Content Marketing and Why Do Companies Do It?

Content marketing is an approach where a company creates valuable content through the process of blogs, videos, emails, social media, podcasts, infographics, etc, etc. The goal is to engage the customer or lead based on their level of intent. By providing answers or solutions to prospective searchers, we can engage users and make them aware of who we are and what we have to offer. Doing so helps companies create new relationships with potential customers.

What Is A Content Writer?

It’s pretty obvious that a content writer is the author or creator of the media units (blogs, videos, podcasts, emails) used to engage a target demographic. But NOT all writers are the same and tend to have different skill sets. Check out what my friends at Ahrefs say about outsourcing. In summary, depending on your industry, product, and mission you need to choose the right type of writer that can help you achieve your goals.

Content Writer Types

  • Journalist
  • Technical
  • Sales
  • Social

A writer that is used to creating “copy” on social media about fidget spinners, will likely have a hard time writing about coworking topics. For this reason, it’s important to consider your budget, the experience of your writer(s), their writing style, and to provide clear directions to the content writer. You should ask yourself – why is the article being written? What do you want the reader to gain from it? The Scripted content writing platform states that a content writer must have solid grammar, researching ability, write under deadlines, ability to generate ideas and knowledge of their field. Although the general idea makes sense, its a little misleading. Towards the end of the article, I will explain that there is a difference between general content writing vs SEO copywriting.

Is Scripted A Good Alternative?

The first question is do you hate writing? If the answer is yes, then you should probably outsource or bring in an in-house writer. I find that if your heart is not in the writing, you should find someone who can devote more care and consideration to your content. Content is easily overlooked, but it’s an essential aspect of your digital strategy. Secondly, what does your schedule look like? Would devoting your time to write a few articles a month negatively impact sales or business development? If not, you should take the time to write about interesting topics that have relevance to your brand. Third, how technical or industry-related does the content have to be? If it’s very in-depth, chances are a content writer will have a harder time providing quality content, if they don’t have the required background knowledge. Usually, the more in-depth the content is, the larger your budget needs to be.

SEO Copywriting

At this point in the article, I am sure you are aware that there is no definitive answer for whether you should outsource your companies copywriting to platforms like Scripted. The situation differs per company, individual, and what you are trying to achieve. There is a major difference between traditional content writing vs SEO oriented writing. Significant amounts of research, keyword ideas, outreach, and thematic relevance go into SEO Copywriting that most content writers are not aware of. It is a niche skill set, so take caution when designing your content marketing strategy.

If your business needs SEO help, reach-out to us here: DropDesk SEO Services

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