Find & Book Unique Spaces At The Drop Of A Pin.

Explore and book unique spaces for everyday work, play, meetings, events, or any inventory listed on the DropDesk marketplace.

The Platform

From individuals to large companies, our Workspace-as-a-Service platform can help you find workspace space or earn money as a host.


Book open desks, office space, meeting rooms, or any inventory listed on the DropDesk Marketplace.

For Business

Whether you are office-only, hybrid, or remote, Easily manage workspaces for your teams and track insights.

For Hosts

Maximize revenue and reach new customers. Manage and market your space on our all-in-one platform.


Earn money by promoting DropDesk. Help companies save money, reduce commute times, and increase workspace happiness.

Unique spaces at the drop of a pin.

Scan the QR code or click your preferred platform to download the DropDesk App.

A Space For Every Need

Book when you need to, where you want to.

Office Space
Coworking Space
Meeting Rooms
Event Space

Become a Host

Join thousands of hosts and earn more from your space.

List Your Space

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Manage All Of Your Workspace Needs In One Place

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