Meeting Room Statistics You Need To Know [2024]

The way individuals meet and work has drastically altered.  Businesses are no longer bound by the traditional conference room meeting schedule.  People are relying on online conferencing software more than ever before, especially with hybrid work being the new norm. So much has changed in the workplace, but one constant remains – good meetings are still critical to company success.  This compilation of video conferencing data and web conferencing statistics reflects these developments.

We’ll break down twenty-six of the most useful meeting data for 2024 in this guide, with a focus on virtual and hybrid meetings.

1. Video-based or digital meetings aren’t going anywhere.

Every day, roughly 11 million video conferencing meetings are registered in the United States. Almost 11 million Americans participate in video conferencing daily.  This equates to 55 million meetings every week and 220 million per year.  According to the most recent video conference data, employees have spent 15% more time in meetings each year since 2008.  A typical meeting nowadays lasts between 30 and 60 minutes. (Source:

2. Video conferencing has become a part of day-to-day business use, especially for meetings.

In their daily operations, 58% of businesses use video conferencing.  To deal with the COVID-19 repercussions, several businesses have turned to video conferencing instead of traditional meetings.  According to video conferencing data, 83% of larger firms and 27.6% of smaller enterprises aim to acquire collaboration solutions for their everyday operations. (Source: Finances Online)

3. Transitioning to remote meetings was easy for a majority of individuals.

The move to remote work was easy for 82% of individuals.  According to virtual meeting satisfaction data, the majority of polled employees said that transitioning to remote work through video conferencing was simple.  It suggests that most businesses already have some internet communication tools on hand. (Source: Buffer)

4. A vast majority of employees see video conferencing as a great tool for collaboration and communication, while working from home.

Video conferencing is seen to promote communication and cooperation by 98% of individuals. Improved communication and teamwork may boost productivity for 99% of individuals.  Aside from that, 98% of survey respondents regarded video conferencing as an important tool for creating relationships both within and outside of their organizations (Source: Lifesize)

5. Employees are often overwhelmed by having so many meetings to attend.

The amount of meetings that employees attend makes 45% of them feel overwhelmed.  Given that the average worker attends at least eight different meetings every week, this isn’t unexpected.  Limiting the number of individuals in meetings is one of the most effective strategies.  Only the ones who will truly contribute should attend.  This also assures that those who do not attend will not be wasting their time. (Source: Zippia)

6. Most employees regularly attend work-related meetings virtually.

Statistics reveal that over 54% of employees regularly attend work-related virtual meetings.  For more than half of survey respondents, video conferencing is a regular work practice.  However, not everyone is comfortable attending.  In a poll conducted by West Unified Communication, 23% of respondents said they felt uneasy and three-quarters indicated they preferred voice over video conferencing. (Source: CIO)

7. Video conferencing meetings improve the connection between remote workers.

Approximately 96% of those polled agreed that video conferencing improves the connection between remote workers.  Video conferencing allows most employees to retain inter-team communication, especially during a pandemic.  Even before then, the majority of survey respondents felt that video meetings helped them keep connected with teams they didn’t see every day at work. (Source: Owl Labs)

8. Most people prefer Friday for meetings.

When asked, “What is your favorite meeting day?”  In one poll, the most people selected Tuesday (29%), with Wednesday coming in second (25% ).  Alternatively, over half of those polled (47%) said Monday was the worst day for a meeting, with the majority (40%) picking Friday. (Source: SurveyMonkey)

9. We’re spending more time in meetings than ever before.

Over the last two decades, the amount of time spent in meetings has increased.  The amount of time spent in meetings has increased by 10% every year since the millennium began.  Meetings last anywhere from 31 minutes to an hour on average.  Only 37% of meetings in the United States employ agendas, despite the fact that following an agenda can cut meeting time by up to 80%. (Source: Teamstage)

10. Most one-on-one meetings are conducted via video conferencing.

For one-on-one meetings, 80% of staff use video conferencing.  According to video conferencing usage data, this mode of communication is popular for both one-on-one (80%) and group meetings (80%).  It has become a necessary aspect of doing business.  Teleconferences are used by 77% of users for big group meetings and 62% for communicating with partners and consumers. (Source: TMCnet)

11. Most professionals don’t vibe with arriving late and eating during meetings.

Arriving late is the most common meeting “no-no” across all generations and industries.  Cell phone use was 15% less bothersome to younger generations, whereas people eating in meetings was 10% more bothersome. (Source: SurveyMonkey)

12. We’re having meetings almost every day on average.

According to one poll, 48% of respondents had meetings several times each week.  The results of a survey of over 1,300 people regarding the state of meetings in their workplace were intriguing.  Meetings were held several times a week for just under half of the respondents (48%) and many times a month for the remaining 29%.  Only 2% of respondents said they had fewer than one monthly meeting, while 21% said they had a meeting every day. (Source: Teamstage)

13. Most people believe their meeting schedule is out of control– and higher management is to blame.

More than three-quarters of people (78%) believe their meeting schedule is out of control and the majority blame high management (38%) or their direct boss for their hectic meeting schedules (16% ). (Source: SurveyMonkey)

14. Jeff Bezos had a great tip for holding successful meetings.

Meetings that follow the “two pizza rule” are more productive.  The “two pizza rule” that Amazon CEO, Jeff Bezos, follows has brought him back into the spotlight.  According to this guideline, no meeting should be held if two pizzas are insufficient to feed the full room.  Meetings with fewer participants are more effective, according to workplace meeting statistics from Teamstage. (Source: Teamstage)

15. Many prefer being part of meetings via working from home.

During COVID-19, 70% of full-time employees in the United States worked from home.  When the lockdowns started, most businesses switched to remote work.  They sent their staff home and provided them with video conferencing equipment.  Although most workers have been working from home due to COVID-19, many have shown an interest in continuing to work remotely when the epidemic has passed. (Source: Owl Labs)

16. COVID-19 prompted the widespread use of video conferencing for meetings.

During COVID-19, over 30% of worldwide enterprises used video conferencing for the first time. According to video conference data, after going remote, about one-third of global firms switched to online conferencing.  Forty seven American states saw an increase in the use of online conferencing apps as corporations began to migrate to working from home.  Furthermore, virtual event data suggest that the majority of events have gone completely digital. (Source: Finances Online)

17. Overcrowding bothers meeting attendees.

Nearly half of those who attend poorly structured sessions get even more perplexed.  According to meeting research, an inept organization has repercussions.  After poorly managed sessions, 43% of respondents said they were more confused.  Ineffective meetings caused 44% of respondents to be unable to finish the rest of their job.  Overcrowding may also be a hindrance to work, with 31% indicating that irrelevant attendance impeded development substantially. (Source: Teamstage)

18. Business meetings in the U.S. are being conducted through video conferencing often.

About one-third of Americans contact businesses using live video chat.  Video conferencing is used in almost every aspect of life.  It had been employed before COVID-19’s dramatic surge.  Video communications have been improving in the consumer-to-business space since 2015. Even in 2018, 25% of Americans, who had never used video chat before, stated they planned to do so in the future. (Source: Pepperland Marketing)

19. Employees appreciate a well-planned meeting.

The greatest approach to getting people interested in attending a meeting is for it to be well-planned, according to respondents (64% ).  Younger generations (18-29 years old) who said it was a free lunch are an exception (71%). (Source: SurveyMonkey)

20. Most employees believe that meetings are a waste of time.

Seven out of ten workers believe their time is being wasted.  Unexpectedly, 71% of professionals say they’ve spent time due to unnecessary or canceled meetings.  According to data on wasting time at work, each month 31 hours are wasted on ineffective meetings.  Regular employees squander 3 days and 2 hours each year waiting for meetings to begin, with executives wasting a staggering 5 days and 19 hours per year. (Source: Teamstage)

21. Video is as influential for work meetings as augmented and virtual reality technology.

Video was projected to have the same or greater influence on work for 63% of workers as AR and VR.  Employees anticipated video conferencing to have the same influence on the workplace as AR and VR did.  According to video conferencing use data, 51% of workers believe video communication is as vital as or more significant than collaboration tools like Microsoft Teams.  Finally, 51% believe it will have the same or greater impact than machine learning and artificial intelligence. (Source: Radius of Trust)

22. Video meetings save employees and management quite a bit on travel expenses.

Video meetings can save you up to 30% on travel expenses.  According to video conference data, this form of meeting might help the firm save money.  In fact, it is used by 92% of B2B marketers for their primary marketing duties.  It can help you save money on other things besides travel.  Companies that use video software, for example, may save up to $11,000 per employee per year. (Source: UC Today)

23. Many employees multitask while sitting in meetings in order to stay productive.

In at least 41% of meetings, employees multitask.  Email checking is the most common multitasking in remote meetings, with employees answering and writing emails while in the conference.  At least 55% of employees engage in this sort of multitasking, which is more likely to occur during lengthier meetings. (Source: Zippia)

24. Zoom made some serious cash during the pandemic, mainly for work meetings.

Zoom had over 200 million daily meeting attendees as of May, 2020.  Coronavirus, according to video conferencing data, had an influence on the field’s growth, notably on various platforms. Zoom, one of the most popular, with 200 million daily meeting attendees in May 2020, up from 10 million in December 2019.  According to Zoom statistics, the figure increased to 300 million the next month. (Applications Business)

25. Meetings, when unproductive, can keep employees from doing their jobs.

Meetings, according to 65% of employees, prohibit them from finishing their own job.  It’s hardly surprising that two out of every three employees believe this, as past studies have revealed that people at the top of the corporate ladder might spend up to 50% of their time in meetings. (Source: Zippia)

26. Unproductive meetings waste both employee time and company money.

Meetings are a frequent feature of many employees’ daily or weekly schedules.  These meetings, on the other hand, may be harmful to the workplace, especially if they have no clear aim.  According to studies, the average worker spends at least three hours per week in work meetings, with about 30% of individuals reported spending more than five hours per week in meetings.  Unproductive meetings are projected to cost $37 billion each year. (Source: Zippia)