How To Write A Media Pitch

Anyone can write a media pitch, but why is it that so many people fail to get featured? If you are looking to learn how to get featured, then stay tuned.

In this article, we cover exactly what our clients have done to win major coverage – both nationally and internationally.

What Is A Media Pitch?

media pitch is an email sent to a journalist or an editor of a major publication (usually a newspaper, television station, blog, magazine, or podcast, with the goal to spread awareness about your story. By soliciting the right journalists or contacts, you may be featured in their published media, allowing you to gain the benefits of increased exposure and credibility.

What You Need To Get Started

  1. A news story that is timely, innovative, and disruptive.
  2. A media list that is hyper-targeted (industry or niche) with contact information.
  3. A professional press release.
  4. A company email address (not a personal one).

The Subject Line

It’s hard to imagine that one line can make or break your success. You need to capture journalists’ attention with a disruptive, well thought out headline. You are not the only one pitching these journalists; so, if your headline does not stand out, it will end up in their trash.


  • Include adjectives that demand attention.
  • Keep it short (less than 10 words).

Make It Personal

Do you like to receive emails that say, “Hey There” or “Hi” from random people? Not only does this affect professionalism, but it says that you did not take the time to properly research the journalist’s name (or you are bulk sending this to others).

Tailoring your email to include the journalist’s name and a custom introduction makes it appear as though you are making an effort.


  • Personalize the pitch to include a recent (relevant) story they have written.
  • Convey the timeliness and uniqueness of the story (if there is a similar story of a competitor, the journalist will likely not be interested). Give them a reason to write something new.

Your Opening Sentence

Immediately explain why you are reaching out. By directly showing you have a newsworthy story, you are helping journalists by creating a sense of urgency.

Limit Attachments

It is a great practice to include your press release (or supporting material), but be sure to copy and paste it directly into the email. Many journalists and businesses stay away from opening attachments (as there could be viruses or potential spyware). If you are going to attach items, be sure they are images (and limit the size to 1mb or less).

The larger the file size, the more likely it will end up in a spam folder.

Create An Actionable Next Step

At the end of your pitch, it is always helpful to let the journalist know that you can help them do their job more effectively. A simple statement like, “Feel free to call or email me for any further information”, goes a long way. This not only shows credibility, but you can help the journalist get the information necessary to complete the story.

Check Your Grammar

If you don’t put the time and energy into crafting your pitch and ensuring that there are no spelling errors, why would any journalist give you the time of day? Nothing will get your email into the trash bin faster than an email with spelling errors.


  • Use tools like Grammarly to check your spelling and grammar.
  • Have a friend or family member review the pitch and give third-party feedback.

Success Is In The Follow-Up

People are busy – after sending out your pitch, you need to wait a reasonable amount of time before following up. Three to five days is a good amount of time to craft a follow-up response.

Make sure your follow up email asks politely if your pitch was helpful or of interest – this shows you are respecting their inbox.