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The 21 Best Room Scheduling Softwares


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The modern business environment has seen the emergence of several external working spaces that give organizations more flexible options to hold meetings.  As a result of this, these external meeting rooms and workplaces have seen the rise of new scheduling software that allows managers to book meeting rooms with the click of a button. 

Here is a list of the 21 best meeting room booking softwares that organizations use to schedule meetings online at a moment’s notice. 


DropDesk offers a unique value proposition to venue owners looking to both manage and market their inventory. DropDesk allows venue owners to seamlessly promote their locations with one click to the DropDesk network of remote professionals. You can market memberships, on-demand packages or hourly packages to attract leads and monetize space as well as keep inventory private (if looking to just use the software for your staff).

The platform is simple, mobile-friendly, and integrated with Stripe. 



When thinking about room scheduling software, Skedda immediately comes to mind.  It is an online booking and scheduling platform that thousands of venues around the world support.  The purpose of the platform is to completely streamline all space management. 

The interface of the software is incredibly mobile-friendly and offers highly customizable options.  Organizations have the option of choosing between several different sized meeting rooms and coworking spaces

There are also multiple options available for other price points according to what various organizations require.  The platform also offers secure online payments, thanks to its partnership with Stripe. 

Another endearing feature is that all the core features of the software are entirely free. 


This is one of the most easily recognizable names in the industry, as a result,  iOffice has significantly seen their stock rise.  They aren’t popular just because of their name, they have offices worldwide and organizations will benefit from incorporating the software. 

The service offers calendar and chat platform integration, updates on real-time room availability and post-meeting analytics are all brilliant features.  Their service is accessible through the web, room booking tablets and phones. 

One of the most useful features of the application is that it provides organizations the ability to filter rooms based on the equipment they require and the size of the room.  As a result, the facility managers are fully aware of the exact needs of the room so they can set it up. 

SmartSpace Global

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, organizations face all sorts of challenges while trying to incorporate the necessary social distancing measures into the workplace.  SmartSpace Global was designed to help facilitate organizations as much as possible in these challenging times.  They offer a workspace management platform that allows for desk booking, meeting room booking and detailed user analytics. 

The platform comes with a powerful mobile app that allows employees to reserve a meeting room or coworking area according to their needs.  They have the option of booking rooms with enough space to accommodate workers while implementing the necessary social distancing measures. 


YAROOMS is designed to ensure that the organization gets the most out of their meetings. The software offers outlook integration that helps ensure that managers can use Microsoft suite to book rooms at a moment’s notice.  Its intuitive display shows a calendar grid that makes it easy to identify what rooms are available without searching through the application.

There is also a more technical search that makes it easier for businesses to find the specific rooms they desire.  Their services are completely free and become incredibly intuitive, thanks to the Microsoft Suite integration. 


Robin is another brilliant room scheduling software that allows businesses to book meeting rooms, desks, workstations and any other areas that they require.  The software also offers detailed analytics regarding the meeting room and workspace usage.  Organizations can see which rooms get the most bookings and which are used the least.

What makes Robin super useful is that it offers integration with Slack, Zoom, Google Calendar, and other workplace software to help organizations get the most out of their meeting rooms.  Businesses need not worry about what channel they use to book a meeting; if they book a session through Google Calendar, it will show up on Slack as well. 


Most application platforms are designed to help organizations get the most out of their meeting spaces and Teem is no different.  It provides organizations with the ability to book multiple workspaces and ensure that the organization is covered, no matter what reservations they make. 

They have a mobile application that makes booking meetings significantly easier.  There is no need to log on and access their web page, since getting a booking is as simple as accessing the app. 

Teem also supports calendar plug-ins that make scheduling meetings easy across Outlook, Microsoft Suite, and Google Calendar.  The application also offers visitor management systems that let them sign in and indicate their presence at a meeting. 

Office Space 

The idea behind office space is that it’s built to help organizations find meeting rooms according to their own floor plan.  Once organizations access the software, they’ll have to upload a model of the office plan. 

After that, the business can go straight into booking their meetings.  The interface provides details about the features of different rooms.  Slack integration also means that managers can book sessions or view a specific room’s status through the app. 

Office Space also offers room sensor integration that will automatically indicate whether the meeting room has been in use.  There is also the opportunity to integrate motion sensors of your choice rather than pay for them as a part of the room schedule package. 


Joan is a room scheduling software that provides the most advantage with the use of modern hardware.  The organizations can schedule a meeting, free up the unused rooms, and integrate the software with calendars and chat providers. 

One of the most significant features of the application is that it has a very advanced tablet system.  These tablet systems will stick onto a meeting room wall.  There are no outside cords because the tablets can run on an internal battery.  Organizations also have the opportunity to customize the display and input programmable commands. 


AskCody is scheduling software that is optimized to perform with Outlook and Office 365. For organizations that use Microsoft exclusively and are looking to get the most out of their meeting rooms, AskCody is an excellent option. 

Once you install the software, it automatically integrates with Outlook, so there is no need to worry about scheduling meetings on a separate calendar. 

The software also gives organizations the option to set their equipment needs, room size, and meeting times.  Reserving a meeting will only take a moment and organizations can get the meeting room they desire. 

One handy feature is that the platform can also work with catering services for the meeting.  Organizations can inform the meeting room facilitators about their requirements directly through the application. 


OfficeRnD takes the traditional room scheduling software formula and applies it to coworking spaces.  Those that are in charge of coworking space will know that it requires the efficient use of rooms, so software like OfficeRnD is essential.  Organizations can work through the software to ensure that all clients are happy and their costs are minimal. 

Users can easily book a meeting by accessing the website.  They offer an intuitive search system that anyone can use and find the meeting room that they desire!

EMS Enterprise Workplace Management

EMS Enterprise Workplace management is an intelligent software that provides organizations immense depth of functionality to configure everything that you require. The platform is incredibly open and allows business owners to intuitively cover all aspects of their workplace management. 

Booking a meeting is as simple as finding an open date and selecting from the variety of available rooms on the day.  That is not the only advantage of this application, as it provides businesses with a comprehensive list of workplace management solutions. 


MeetingRoomApp is a modern booking system designed to allow an organization to quickly book meeting and conference rooms.  They make effective use of smart technology to ensure that the booking process is as simple as possible. 

The interface allows organizations to book meetings with a single tap.  Another handy feature is that it offers full integration with all Google and Microsoft applications.  It is a very user-friendly application and it’s super easy for all employees to get comfortable with and start using.


Cloudbooking is a user-friendly desk, visitor, and meeting room booking application.  Its mission is to allow leading organizations to get the most out of their important assets: space and people. 

The management tools and analytics features of the software are designed to ensure that organizations around the world can understand and then optimize their space usage.  It empowers organizations to help their employees best utilize their time. 


Roomzilla markets themselves as a resource management system that is easy to implement.  Once organizations sign up, they can start using the application within five minutes of signing up.  The application is completely accessible from desktops, tablets and mobile phones.  Users can book and manage a space whenever and however they desire. 

The only slight on the application is that the room canceling process is more complex than it needs to be.  If the process is made simpler, the application will excel on all fronts. 

Asure Workspace Management 

Managing your workspace is more crucial for organizations now than ever before.  Asure Workspace Management works to ensure that organizations can make the most out of their workspace.  The application empowers businesses to make educated and efficient decisions regarding their workspace management. 

The application interface is snappy and easy to use, making it easy for users to understand the software.


MIDAS is a software that combines ease of use and incredibly powerful features that help make it a brilliant room booking system.  It gives businesses complete control over all their different  bookings.  It allows them to schedule resources in the most efficient manner. 

The application is straightforward to access, thanks to its website.  Not only does the application give organizations control over the booking rooms, but they can also schedule staffing and equipment accordingly.  With the MIDAS booking system’s accessible nature, you can see all the information in the system at a glance. 


AgilQuest is another workspace and meeting room booking system that allows organizations to find and reserve conference rooms in one simple place.  Users have the opportunity to look at what rooms are available in different locations.  The application also provides detailed insights into the different features of the respective conference room. 

One creative feature of the platform is that it gives organizations the opportunity of connecting with contrasting physical systems.  These are designed to manage visitor check-ins and automatically end bookings, once the conference room is no longer in use.


Workscape is a meeting room booking and management solution that offers a platform where users can access everything in the system.  It gives you the ability to book rooms from tablet displays, web, mobile or the Mac calendar application. 

The color-coded displays allow users to easily check the meeting room availability.  A dashboard on the application also provides users with an overview of the meeting room activity.  The application also offers support automatic updates on the users’ Google or Office 365 Calendar. 


Meetio is responsible for setting the standard for modern meeting room management because of their introduction of the Room-Tablet in 2014.  Fast forward to the present, they are offering one of the most comprehensive workspace management solutions on the market. 

It makes scheduling, wayfinding and room management all accessible from one intuitive platform.  Their aim is to make workspaces as smart as the people that occupy them!


Users that are already familiar with single stack platforms are going to love KUBE.  It features all the tools that an organization needs to create a modern and connected workspace. 

The application offers accounting, booking, membership, and facility management services in one single package.  It is a one-stop tool designed to help organizations increase their revenues, reduce their costs, and make the most out of their workspace. 


The efficient use of workspace management and booking systems can help ensure that organizations make the most out of their meetings.  These software options are going to play an even greater role in the future to help facilitate organizations.

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